Pinko Commie Bastards!

I've made a few additions to the sidebar.
I don't know how I missed this, but sometime over the summer the perceptive and ardently left-wing Matt Good started blogging again.
The erudite Terry Glavin, of the Georgia Straight and that messy article I featured in last January, has a blog that's too good to miss. Plus he's been helping me out with some journalism stuff recently, and is an alround good guy.
The China Daily is now featured, so that you can get the dish on Abe's visit from the Chinese perspective. It was recommended by my Chinese Industrialization professor, who being Chinese himself, hopefully knows what he's talking about.
I almost forgot this one, but the Epoch Times (Canadian Edition) deserves mention under the Asia category. It's the out-spoken newspaper that spawned the Nine Commentaries on the Comunist Party, and it's available for free in most major cities I know of.
And there's a new category as well, Coin, which features links to daily tabulations of currency values for the Chinese Yuan and the Japanese Yen. My East Asian Finance professor wants us to pay attention to this stuff.
the nine commentaries are completely biased and at least some part of it is not ture.
first of all, i'd like to ask you if you have ever read the Communist Manifesto and the reason it came to existence. during the time of industrialization in Europe, the industrialists really treated the workers badly, and Lenin (sp) along with his partner wrote the communist manifesto as a good will and suggestion to society in how to help the workers to gain their human right. the theory and idealogy of Communism is never wrong. In fact, it is good.
It is only the implementation of communism went wrong, which is natural to humanity. I will give you an example -> Christianity. The bible has many good wisdoms, and is a valuable book (I will not argue with you whether or not it is wrote by people who hear God's words or not, but personally, I believe it is a book of wisdom, not a book of God). but people in history has been using the power of Christianity for their own selfish gains, such as the crusade, the hate against other religions, opinions from the new pope who i don't even want to remember his name. This happened to China as well, they think they have created communism, but in fact, they have just reinstalled their old style empirical regime.
the nine communist commentaries are wong due to the fact that the author has not looked deep into the Chinese history.
troughout the Chinese history, every single regime that came into power are very similar. the name has changed, the government works the same, and suffers the same fate -> being taken over by another regime due to their own inability to stop "decay". what i meant "decay" as in the emperor is unable to stop his own trusted stuff, or reginal governers to lie to him, to form gangs (this is why parties in China has a dark meaning to it, every party in the past are formed by people who are getting together planning to overthrow the emperor). as deceive accumulates and natural disaster comes in, which makes the peasants complain, and found they have no choice but to rebel because either way, they are going to die. thus ends the empire.
The Communist Chinese government is actually going rather good about preventing the decay at the moment, as well as preventing natural dissasters. due to the fact that the country is booming, it is unlikely that "communism" is going to come to an end, even though the style of the government is slowly moving towards the western democracy slowly, the name will not change. it will be a communist country and will be for the near future. because communism is not wrong, it is people in this world who can't handle such ideaology. never blame on something that is too hard for you to comprehend.
and that wall was not pink, it's just decay and acid rain that slowly white washing it.
Haha, admittedly I haven't actually read the Nine Commentaries all the way through yet. I can't say how much of it is true and how much is reactionary tripe. One of these days.
I have read the Communist Manifesto, however, and I disagree with what you say about communism. As pure as Marx and Engel's intentions may have been, good intentions are not the same as good policy. History has shown time and time again that Marxism is difficlt to implement, politically unstable, and economically inefficient. China is being very succseful, economically, but it is doing so based on a non-Marxist, two-tier economic system that allows both state-owned enterprises and private enterprise. It's a bit of a fallacy to compare "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" to Orthodox Marxism.
You argue that China is doing a good job of fending off decay, and I agree. Historically Chinese empires rise and fall on a 250 year cycle, and the People's Republic is proving to be ver robust. However, China's political vitality is bought with the blood-money of flagrant humanitarian violations. It's very well documented, and not just by reactionary media like the Epoch Times. I agree that China is fending off internal decay, but I would argue that when it does so at the expense of human rights this is not actually a good thing.
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