"Arafat is a slob. If he put on a suit he'd have a country by now."
Wanna see something funny?
Okay, so, APEC is gathering right now. They're in Hanoi, which I learned the other day got a stock market in the last couple of years, but that's not the point.
As part of APEC our great leaders all get together to take a family photo of sorts. It's a wonderful tradition. They get a chance to dress up in the colourful garb of foreign nations. We get to watch them trying not to look uncomfortable. Everybody gets to enjoy themselves a little bit.
They did it in Korea in 2005. Paul Martin is a pimp.

And of course they did it this year too. The traditional Vietnamese garb is not as black and pajama-like as G.B. Trudeau would have us think (Dad, at least, should know what I'm talking about. I hope). It actually looks quite good on, say, Hu Jintao. Vladimir Putin manages to pull it off even.
Harper not so much. He kind of looks like, maybe, an easter egg?

Yes, I got the G.B. Trudeay reference, very amusing.
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